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artistic STATEMENT

After I got enough experience in painting and drawing, I tried to find my own style in my art career. I wasinfluenced by a cat of one of my best friends and happened to draw cats last year. Dance, my major in college, definitely takes up a huge part of my life now, but I still try to get some free time to create my own art work. Since I am an international student and living in a dorm here,do not get many chances to look for painting material and it is very inconvenient to use pigments and professional paper, like acrylic and water color. Therefore, I started drawing on my iPad by using different apps. The thememoves from only describing or using the contours and colors to presenting the object, which is the cat,to trying to emphasize some characteristics and simplifying the lines to create my own style. To connect with my own experience, I am going to put more motions, such as dancing cats, to my work, which also helps me to find my own art style.
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